College of San Mateo provides an exceptional educational opportunity to residents of San Mateo County and the Greater Bay Area Region. The college is an open-access, student-centered institution that serves the diverse educational, economic, social, and cultural needs of its students and the community. College of San Mateo fosters a culture of excellence and success that engages and challenges students through a comprehensive curriculum of basic skills, career and technical programs, and transfer preparation. It uses analysis of quantitative and qualitative data and information, collaborative integrated institutional planning, and assessment to inform decision-making and ensure continuous improvement. Its programs and services are structured, delivered, and evaluated to prepare students to be informed and engaged citizens in an increasingly global community. 

2 Year Admissions
IELTS academic minimum score: 5.00
IELTS general minimum score: 0.00
  • Education
  • San Mateo
  • California
  • United States of America