D'Overbroeck's College is an 11-18 coeducational independent school in Oxford. The Good Schools Guide describes us as ‘a place of energy and laughter, of single-minded determination among students to do the best they can.’

High School
IELTS academic minimum score: 3.00
Academic Restrictions: The Discovery Years
High School
IELTS academic minimum score: 4.50
Academic Restrictions: UK Study Abroad
High School
IELTS academic minimum score: 4.50
Academic Restrictions: 4 or 5-Term IGCSE
High School
IELTS academic minimum score: 4.50
Academic Restrictions: Two-Year IGCSE
High School
IELTS academic minimum score: 5.00
Academic Restrictions: One-Year IGCSE
High School
IELTS academic minimum score: 6.50
Academic Restrictions: Two-Year A-Level
  • Education
  • Oxford
  • United Kingdom