Seated in the nation's capital, centered in Christian faith, Wesley Theological Seminary prepares more than 700 students annually, representing more than 30 denominations, to become exemplary teachers, preachers, and leaders in the world today.The mission of Wesley Theological Seminary is to equip Christians for leadership in the church and the world, to advance theological scholarship, and to model a prophetic voice in the public square. Wesley is a teaching seminary and a service-oriented community. Our graduates are in ministry in all 50 states and in 20 countries as leaders of churches and other service organizations. Wesley has come to have a strong impact through its commitment to service and to congregational partnerships. As vectors of creative, collaborative and scholarly practice, the members of Wesley's 2013 graduating class alone will minister to more than half a million people in the course of their careers.

Graduate Admissions
IELTS academic minimum score: 6.50
IELTS general minimum score: 0.00
  • Education
  • Washington
  • District of Columbia
  • United States of America