Find out which organisations accept IELTS One Skill Retake in the following countries/territories:
Who accepts IELTS One Skill Retake?
Countries (A-B) except Australia
- Proficient English Council
- Modul University Vienna
- University of Applied Sciences, Wiener Neustadt
- Webster University - Austria
- Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
- IELTS Academy LLC
- Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF)
- IDP Education Manama
- Catalyst Leasing & Factoring
- IDP Education Chittagong
- IDP Education Dhanmondi
- IDP Education Gulshan
- AP Hogeschool
- EIT Food
- Examencommissie Secundair Onderwijs
- LUCA School of Arts
- UC Leuven-Limburg
- Australian Embassy - Brazil
Australia (A-D)
- Academy of Interactive Technology
- ACE Demolition & Excavation Pty Ltd
- Achyut Labs
- ACT Migration
- ACT Teacher Quality Institute
- Administrative Appeals Tribunal
- AHPRA - National Registration
- AIBI Higher Education
- ALACC Health College, Australia
- Albright Institute of Business and Language
- Alliance College
- ASC International
- Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers
- Australian Adelaide International College
- Australian Border Force - Department of Home Affairs
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian College of Theology Limited
- Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA)
- Australian Data and Cyber Institute
- Australian Embassy Manila - DIAC
- Australian Film, Television and Radio School
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)
- Australian Ideal College
- Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
- Australian Institute of Digital Technology
- Australian Institute of Higher Education - Admissions
- Australian Institute of Language
- Australian Institute of Language and Further Education
- Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
- Australian National College Pty Ltd
- Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council
- Australian Physiotherapy Council
- Australia Sponsoring Migration - Shortlisting
- Bedford College - Administration
- Bond University
- Box Hill Institute of TAFE
- Brighter Education
- Canberra Institute of Technology
- Catholic Theological College
- Central Australian College Student Admission
- Central Queensland University – Student Administration
- Central Regional TAFE
- Charles Sturt University - Admissions Office
- Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Chem Concrete Pty Ltd
- Chiropractic Board of Australia
- Chisholm Institute of TAFE
- CIT Solutions - International Services Unit
- College of Nursing Education & Training Australia
- Concord Institute
- Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd
- Curtin International College
- Curtin University
- DARA Contractors
- Deakin College
- Deakin University - Deakin International
- Dental Board of Australia
- Department for Industry, Innovation and Science
- Department of Home Affairs - Immigration
- Department of Home Affairs - Language Policy
- Department of Home Affairs - Melbourne
- Department Of Home Affairs - Parramatta
- Department of Home Affairs - PDCU ES
- Department of Home affairs - Skilled Visas
- Department of Home Affairs - Student Visas
- Department of Home Affairs - Temporary Graduate Visas
- Department of Home Affairs - WA Students CRIT
- Department of Home Affairs Australia
- Department of Housing & Community Development
- Department of Immigration & Border Protection - Jordan
- Department of Immigration and Border Protection
- Department of Immigration and Border Protection - Australia
- Department of Immigration and Border Protection - Parramatta
- Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities – Interpreting and Translating Service NT
- Department of Training and Workforce Development
- DIAC - Australian High Commission - Dhaka
- DIAC - Business Services
- DIAC - Information Collection Unit
- DIAC - Migration & Visa Policy
- DIAC - NSW Fraud Control & Investigations
- DIAC - Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority
- DIAC - Offshore Student Services
- DIAC - Tasmania
- DIAC - The Business and Employment Section - Brisbane
- DIAC - The Business and Employment Section - Parramatta
- DIAC - The Business Centre - Sydney
- DIBP - Adelaide SA Office Program Delivery
- DIBP - Adelaide South Australia Office
- DIBP - Adelaide South Australia Office, SME Programme Mgmt
- DIBP - General Skilled Migration Programme Management Unit
- DIBP - Melbourne Business Centre
- DIBP - Melbourne - Victorian Student Centre
- DIBP - Operational Integrity - Visa Cancellations
- DIBP - South Australia, Australia
- DIBP - Sydney International Airport
- Dietitians Association of Australia
- Dot to Dot Early Intervention Pty Ltd
- DS College
Australia (E-Q)
- ECA - Education Centre of Australia
- Education Training & Employment Australia
- Einstein College of Australia
- Engineers Australia
- Ericsson/Australia
- Eynesbury College
- Federation Academy Australia Pty Ltd
- Federation University Australia
- General Cancellation Network - DIBP
- Geospatial Council of Australia
- Ghani Solutions
- Griffith University
- Hawthorn Learning
- IDP Education Adelaide
- IDP Education Brisbane
- IDP Education Ltd
- IDP Education Ltd - Business Assurance Team - Head Office
- IDP Education Parramatta
- IDP Education Perth
- IDP Education Sydney
- Ikon Institute of Australia
- Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)
- International Education Division
- International Graduate Institute
- Investment NSW
- Ironwood Institute
- James Cook University - International Students Centre
- JMC Academy - International Services
- KCA Education
- La Trobe University
- La Trobe University - International College
- La Trobe University Sydney Campus - Admissions
- Learning Information Systems (Trading as StudyLink)
- Learning Victoria Pty Ltd
- Le Cordon Bleu - Admissions
- Le Cordon Bleu, Melbourne
- Le Cordon Bleu, Perth
- Le Cordon Bleu, Sydney
- Legal Practice Board of Western Australia
- Macquarie University, Sydney - Macquarie International
- Malekhu Investments Pty Ltd - Queensford College
- Marriott Academy
- Medical Board of Australia
- Melbourne Education Institute
- Melbourne Polytechnic
- Monash University Melbourne - ONLY for
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Nursing (Scholars Program)
- Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)
- Master of Nursing Practice
- Nan Tien Institute
- National College of Vocational Education (NCVE)
- National Institute of Australia (NIT Australia)
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Sydney
- North Metropolitan TAFE, Balga
- North Metropolitan TAFE, East Perth
- North Metropolitan TAFE, Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent)
- North Metropolitan TAFE, Leederville
- North Metropolitan TAFE, Mount Lawley
- North Metropolitan TAFE, Nedlands
- North Metropolitan TAFE, Perth (Northbridge)
- NU Dream Homes
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
- Occupational Therapy Board of Australia
- Occupational Therapy Council (Australia & New Zealand)
- Open Colleges School of Health - Admissions
- Optometry Board of Australia
- Orange College
- Osteopathy Board of Australia
- Pharmacy Board of Australia
- Phia Education Pty Ltd trading as Hopkins International College
- Physiotherapy Board of Australia
- Planetshakers College
- Podiatry Board of Australia
- Polytechnic Insitute Australia - Admissions
- Psychology Board of Australia
- QIBA Pty Ltd (Queensland International Business Academy)
- QTAC Ltd.
- Queensland College of Teachers
- Queensland University of Technology
- Queensland University of Technology-Student Business Service
Australia (R-Z)
- RMIT English Worldwide
- RMIT International
- RMIT Training Pty Ltd
- SAE Creative Media
- Shafston International College - ELICOS
- Sheridan Institute of Higher Education
- Site Institute International
- South Metropolitan TAFE
- Southern Academy of Higher Education
- Southern Cross University
- Southern Cross University - International Admissions
- Southern Cross University - International Office
- Southern Cross University - Student Services
- Stanley College
- Sunraysia Institute of TAFE - International
- Sydney Institute of Business and Technology
- Sydney School of Business and Technology
- TAFE International Western Australia
- TAFE NSW Albury
- TAFE NSW Armidale
- TAFE NSW Blacktown College
- TAFE NSW Coffs Harbour
- TAFE NSW Design Centre Enmore
- TAFE NSW Dubbo
- TAFE NSW Glendale
- TAFE NSW Hamilton
- TAFE NSW Hornsby
- TAFE NSW Hunter Street
- TAFE NSW - International Students Centre
- TAFE NSW Kingscliff
- TAFE NSW Loftus
- TAFE NSW Meadowbank
- TAFE NSW Mount Druitt
- TAFE NSW National Environment Centre
- TAFE NSW Newcastle
- TAFE NSW Nirimba
- TAFE NSW Northern Beaches
- TAFE NSW Orange
- TAFE NSW Ourimbah
- TAFE NSW Petersham
- TAFE NSW Port Macquarie
- TAFE NSW Randwick
- TAFE NSW Richmond
- TAFE NSW Shellharbour
- TAFE NSW St George
- TAFE NSW St Leonards
- TAFE NSW Tamworth
- TAFE NSW Ultimo
- TAFE NSW Wollongbar
- TAFE South Australia, Adelaide Centre for the ARTS
- TAFE South Australia, Gilles Plaines Campus
- TAFE South Australia, Narungga Campus
- TAFE South Australia, Regency Campus
- TAFE South Australia, Urrbrae Campus
- Taylors College Sydney
- Tasmanian Government Department of State Growth
- Teacher Registration Board of the Northern Territory
- Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia, Registration
- Teachers Registration Board of Tasmania
- Teachers Registration Board Western Australia
- The Business School - Australia
- The Gordon
- The Gordon, East Geelong Campus
- The Gordon, Werribee Campus
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
- The Sydney Business & Travel Academy - Sydney English Language Academy
- The University of Newcastle Australia
- The University of Newcastle Australia - The Language Centre
- The University of Notre Dame Australia
- TrEd College
- Ultimate Institute of Australia
- Universal Business School Sydney
- Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd
- University of Western Australia - International Centre
- University of Divinity - Office of the Vice-Chancellor
- University of South Australia
- University of Sydney
- University of Sydney - Centre for English Teaching
- University of Tasmania - International Admissions
- University of the Sunshine Coast - International Relations
- University of Western Australia
- University of Western Sydney
- UNSW Foundation Studies
- Vanuatu Education Support Program
- Veterinary Practice Board
- Victorian Legal Admissions Board
- William Angliss Institute of TAFE
- Wyatt Business College - Admissions
- ZOI Education
Canada (A-F)
- Academy of Learning Career College
- Acadia University - Admissions Office
- Acadia University – English Language Program
- Acadia University - Graduate Studies
- Acsenda School of Management
- AGA Academy
- Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists
- Alberta College of Speech - Language Pathologists/Audiologists
- Alexander College - Office of the Registrar
- Assiniboine Community College - International
- Barclay College Inc
- Bay River College
- Bow Valley College
- Brandon University - Admissions
- Brock University
- Brock University - Faculty of Education
- Brooklyn College
- Canadian All Care College
- Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
- Canadore College International Office
- CanNorth College
- Cape Breton University Admissions, Student Services
- Capilano University
- Carleton University - Admission Services
- Carlton Trail College
- Centennial College
- College of Alberta Psychologists
- College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta
- College of Dietitians of Ontario
- College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba
- College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Prince Edward Island
- College of Nurses of Ontario
- College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta
- College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland & Labrador
- College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia
- College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan
- College of Veterinarians of BC
- College of Veterinarians of Ontario
- Concordia University
- Concordia University of Edmonton - Admissions
- Conestoga College
- Confederation College
- Confederation College - International Education Centre
- Cornerstone International Community College - Admission
- Cranston Ridge Medical Clinic
- Dalhousie University - The Faculty of Dentistry
- Dalhousie University
- Durham College
- Elevare Career Institute
- Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
- Fleming College Toronto
- Futures Canadian College
Canada (G-R)
- George Brown College - International Centre
- Georgian College
- Goodman School of Business - Brock University
- GP Custom Metal
- Great Plains College
- Greystone College Canada
- Hansa Language Centre
- Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
- IDP Education Canada
- ILAC International College
- Innivec
- International School of Christian Education
- iTechSkills Academy
- JRS College
- Justice Institute of British Columbia
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Lakehead University - Graduate Admissions & Intl Studies
- Langara College
- Lethbridge College
- Lethbridge Polytechnic
- MacEwan University
- McKenzie College
- McMaster University
- McMaster University- Undergraduate
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Memorial University of Newfoundland - Marine Institute
- Memorial University of Newfoundland - Registrar's Office
- Mohawk College
- Mount Allison University
- Mount Royal University - Admissions
- Mount Saint Vincent University
- MTG Healthcare Academy
- NAIT - Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
- Niagara College Canada
- Nikyab Khorshid Foroozan Kish
- North West College
- Nova Scotia College of Nursing (NSCN)
- Nova Scotia Community College - Admissions
- NorQuest College - Admissions
- North West College
- Northern College
- NSCAD University
- Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS)
- OCAD University
- Olds College of Agriculture & Technology
- Pacific Link College
- Pures College of Technology
- Prairie College (Prairie Bible Institute)
- Prochista Smart Technologies
- Queen’s University- Professional Studies
- Queens University - Undergrad Admission
- Red Deer Polytechnic - Office of the Registrar
- Red River College Polytechnic - Enrolment Services
- Regent College
- Rhodes Wellness College
- Royal Roads University - Admissions and Registration
Canada (S-Z)
- Saint Mary's University - Admissions & Recruitment
- SAIT Polytechnic - Student Services
- Saskatchewan Colleges
- Saskatchewan Health Authority
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic
- Sault College
- Schulich School of Business - Admission & Recruitment
- Seneca College
- SFU Beedie School of Business- Graduate Admissions
- Sheridan College - Admissions
- Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
- Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Polytechnic (SAIT Polytechnic)
- Sprott Shaw College
- St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology
- St. Francis Xavier University
- St. John's-Ravenscourt School
- St Lawrence College
- St. Lawrence College - International Education
- Stenberg College
- Stenberg College - International Department
- Suncrest College
- TESL Ontario
- Thompson Rivers University - International Student Admission
- Toronto Metropolitan University - Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
- Trafalgar School for Girls - International Admissions
- Trent University
- University Canada West - Registrar's Office
- University College of the North
- University of Alberta- Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
- University of Guelph-Humber
- University of Guelph -Office of Graduate Studies
- University of Guelph Undergraduate Admission Services
- University of Lethbridge - Admissions and Transfer
- University of Manitoba - Undergraduate Admissions
- University of New Brunswick
- University of Niagara Falls Canada
- University of Northern British Columbia
- University of Ottawa - Admissions
- University of Ottawa - Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
- University of Prince Edward Island
- University of Regina
- University of Victoria - Graduate Admissions & Records
- University of Victoria - Undergraduate Admissions
- University of Waterloo - Admissions
- University of Waterloo – Undergraduate
- University of Windsor - Centre for Executive Education
- University of Windsor - Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Vancouver Community College
- Vancouver Film School
- Vancouver Island University
- Western University, School of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
- Western University, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry - ASPIDG Program
- Western University, Undergraduate Admissions
- York Angels Investors
- York University - Admissions Office, Toronto
- Yorkville University - International Admissions Office
- Yukon University
- Zubens Marketing Inc.
Countries (C-E)
- Australian Centre for Education (ACE)
- IDP Education Cambodia
- IDP Education Samdech Pan
- IDP Education Santhor Mok
- IDP Education Siem Reap
- IDP Education Tuol Kork
- IDP Education Tuol Tom Poung
- The University Institute of the tropics
- Australian Embassy, Santiago de Chile
- English UC
- Universidad de Santiago
- Anhui University school of foreign studies
- Australian Embassy China
- Australian Embassy Visa Office - Shanghai
- Centre for Cognition and Ageing Research - Faculty of Psychology- Southwest University
- Colredit (Beijing) Credit Management Co., Ltd
- DIBP Australian Consulate General Guangzhou - China
- Duke Kunshan University Graduate School
- Fudan University
- Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
- IDP Education - Beijing
- IDP Education - China
- IDP Education Beijing Chaoyang
- IDP Education Beijing Haidian
- IDP Education Chengdu
- IDP Education Chongqing
- IDP Education Guangzhou
- IDP Education Hangzhou
- IDP Education Nanjing
- IDP Education Qingdao
- IDP Education Shanghai
- IDP Education Shenzhen
- IDP Education Suzhou
- IDP Education Wuhan
- Jiangsu Zhenjiang Construction Group Co.,Ltd
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Beijing
- Stony Brook Institute at Anhui University
- Wenzhou Business College
- Zhejiang University - School of Continuing Education
- Alliance Multilingual Centers
- BNC Colombo Americano
- Centro de gestion Administrativa y fortalecimiento empresaial
- Colegio San José - Compañía de Jesús
- Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS)
- "Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina - Languages Department"
- Instituto Técnico Educativo Bilingüe INTEB
- Multidiomas Ltda
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá
- Universidad CES
- Universidad de Medellin
- Universidad Santo Tomás Villavicencio
- American University of Beirut - Mediterraneo - Office of Admissions
- College of Tourism and Hotel Management
- CTL Eurocollege
- Cyprus Health And Social Sciences University
- European University Cyprus
- Larnaca College
- Neapolis University Pafos
- The American University of Cyprus
- The Limassol College
Czech Republic
- AbecedaPC Consulting a.s.
- Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- Gymnazium Brno - Trida Kapitana Jarose
- Masaryk University - Language Department at Faculty of Economics
- NewWorkers
- Cambridge University Press & Assessment - Ecuador
- UDLA- Spanish School
- Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
- Universidad de las Artes - Foreign Languages Department
- Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
- Universidad Nacional de Educación
- Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering
- IDP Education Alexandria
- IDP Education Cairo
- Newgiza University
- The Knowledge Hub Universities, Coventry University & Nova University Lisbon Branches in Egypt
El Salvador
- Universidad Francisco Gavidia
- Tallinn Health Care College
- Tallinn University of Technology
- University of Tartu
Countries and Territories (F-H)
- Humak University of Applied Sciences
- Kajaani, University of Applied Sciences
- Karelia University of Applied Science
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT
- South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
- South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences - Xamk
- University of Eastern Finland - Student & Learning Services
- Vamia
- EBS Paris
- École de Management Appliqué
- Efrei
- European Global School
- IMT Atlantique Nantes
- The American Business School of Paris
- Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard
- Australian Embassy Berlin
- Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg University
- Bayerisches Zentrum für Batterietechnik (BayBatt)
- Berlin School of Business & Innovation
- Bonn-Rhein Sieg, University of Applied Science
- FernUniversität in Hagen
- Hochschule Offenburg University of Applied Sciences
- Technische Hochschule Bingen
- Technische Universität Braunschweig
- Touro University Berlin - Admission Office
- TU Ilmenau Service GmbH
Hong Kong, SAR of China
- College of Professional and Continuing Education
- DIAC - Hong Kong
- IDP Education Pty. Ltd - Hong Kong
- Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)
Countries (I-J)
- DIAC - New Delhi
- Hats Off Solutions
- Goa Institute of Management
- IDP Education Australia - Ahmedabad
- IDP Education Australia - Bangalore
- IDP Education Australia - Chandigarh
- IDP Education Australia - Chennai
- IDP Education Australia - Hyderabad
- IDP Education Australia - Mumbai
- IDP Education Australia - New Delhi
- IDP Education Bangalore
- IDP Education Chennai Adyar
- IDP Education Chennai Nungambakkam
- IDP Education Coimbatore
- IDP Education Delhi
- IDP Education Hyderabad Kukatpally
- IDP Education Hyderabad Somajiguda
- IDP Education India Pvt, Ltd Client Relations
- IDP Education Indore
- IDP Education Jaipur
- IDP Education Kochi
- IDP Education Kolkata
- IDP Education Lucknow
- IDP Education Maharashtra
- IDP Education Mangalore
- IDP Education Nagpur
- IDP Education Punjab
- IDP Education Surat
- IDP Education Trivandrum
- IDP Education Vadodara
- IDP Education Vijayawada
- IDP Education Vizag
- Immigration New Zealand - New Delhi
- New Zealand Immigration Service - New Delhi
- Central Queensland University, Indonesia office
- IDP Education - Bandung, Education Councelling
- IDP Education - Indonesia
- IDP Education - Makassar
- IDP Education - Medan
- IDP Education Bali
- IDP Education Bundung
- IDP Education East Java
- IDP Education Jakarta
- IDP Education North Jakarta
- IDP Education Pty Ltd, Indonesia - Student Placement
- IDP Education Semarang
- IDP Education South Jakarta
- IDP Education Surabaya
- IDP Education West Jakarta
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Centre for Education and Training
- PT Deloitte Consulting
- Telkom University
- UKRIDA Language Training Center
- Uni-bridge Indonesia
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Apadana Institute
- Farhang Educational Complex
- IDP Education Tehran
- Rajaee Technical University
- CCT College Dublin
- Queen's University Belfast
- TU Dublin
- Kate Cowhig International Healthcare Recruitment
Isle of Man
- V&VFOODS and hospitality limited
- Highlands Institute
- IIs Omodeo
- Istituto Comprensivo A. Stoppani Lecco 3
- Istituto Comprensivo Mazzi
- Istituto Comprensivo Statale Caluso
- Istituto Comprensivo Statale Giorgio Vasari
- Istituto Istruzione Superiore "Cigna-Baruffi-Garelli"
- Istituto Marangoni Milan
- Liceo Classico e Linguistico "Gian Domenico Romagnosi"
- Liceo Classico Galileo
- Liceo Scientifico Statale Leonardo da Vinci
- tedaldi costruzioni srl
- Università degli Studi di Verona
- Hitotsubashi University
- NIC International College in Japan
- Sophia University
- Tokyo City University
- LV Care Group
- Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan
- American University of Madab - Admission and Registration
- Amman Arab University
- Applied Science Private University
- IDP Education Amman
- Jordan University of Science and Technology
- King's Academy
- Leader Vision Academy
- Middle East University - Jordan
- Tafila Technical University
Countries (K-M)
- Autonomous Educational Organization "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools
- Center for International Programs JSC
- Kazakh National Agrarian Research University
- Kozybayev University
- Margulan University
- Nazarbayev University Admissions Department
- Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
Korea (the Republic of)
- DIBP Australian Embassy Seoul (Visa Section)
- Far East University
- IDP Education Pty., Korea
- IDP Korea
- National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy
- Sang-huh college
- British Council Kuwait
- IDP Education Salmiya
- International School of Latvia
- IDP Education Beirut
- Kaunas University of Technology - International Studies Office
- Albukhary International University
- Al-Madinah International University - Deanship of Admission and Registration
- DIBP - Kuala Lumpur Office
- IDP Education Australia - Johur Bahru
- IDP Education Australia - Kuala Lumpur
- IDP Education Johor Bahru
- IDP Education Kota Kinabalu
- IDP Education Kuala Lumpur
- IDP Education Kuching
- IDP Education Limited Malaysia
- IDP Education Penang
- IDP Petaling Jaya
- SEGi University - Education, Languages & Psychology
- The University of Nottingham - Malaysia Campus
- Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology - Postgraduate Studies and Research
- University of Technology Sarawak (UTS)
- American University of Malta - Admissions and Recruitment Office
- African Leadership University
- IDP Education Port Louis
- Universidad de Monterrey
- Universidad del Caribe
- Universidad Panamericana de Guadalajara
- Yezin Agricultural University
Countries (N - R)
- Australia Awards Nauru
- IDP Education Kathmandu
Netherlands (the)
- Center for Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL)
- HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem - Arnhem Business School
- HZ University of Applied Sciences
- University of Groningen
- Wageningen University and Research - Admissions Office
New Zealand
- academyEX
- Aspire2 International Limited
- ATMC Aotearoa New Zealand
- Auckland Institute of Studies, St Helens
- Auckland University of Technology
- Border and Visa Operations - Immigration New Zealand - Henderson
- Crown Institute of Studies
- English Teaching College- Administration
- Good Shepherd College
- IDP Education Auckland
- Immigration New Zealand - Auckland Central
- Immigration New Zealand - Christchurch
- Immigration New Zealand - Hamilton
- Immigration New Zealand - Manukau
- Immigration New Zealand - Porirua
- IPU New Zealand - Academic Registry
- Laidlaw College Inc - Educational Services
- Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand Institute - Admissions
- Lincoln University
- Manukau Institute of Technology
- Massey University
- Massey University College - UG and PG Admission
- Medical Radiation Technologists Board of New Zealand
- Medical Sciences Secretariat Limited
- Midwifery Council
- Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE)
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT)
- New Zealand College of Business
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Intel and Risk
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Porirua
- New Zealand Psychologists Board
- New Zealand School of Education
- New Zealand School of Food & Wine
- New Zealand School of Education
- NorthTec
- NZ Welding Trades and Services
- NZQA Qualifications Recognition Services
- Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand
- Open Polytechnic
- Otago Polytechnic - International Admissions
- PIHMS India (sub continent)
- Queenstown Resort College
- South Pacific Bible College
- South Pacific College of Natural Medicine Inc.
- Talegent
- Teaching Council
- Techtorium New Zealand Institute of Information Technology
- Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
- UC International College
- Unitec Institute of Technology
- Universal College of Learning - Curriculum & Academic Servic
- Universal College of Learning - UCOL
- University of Canterbury - Student Services
- University of Otago - International Admissions
- UP Education
- Up Education - Wellington
- UUNZ Institute of Business
- Western Institute of Technoly at Tarnaki
- Al Tomouh IT LLC
- IDP Education Pty. Ltd
- International Maritime College Oman - National University
- Ministry of Education - Administrative Affairs
- Saraa Private School
- Sohar University - General Foundation Program
- University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Salalah branch
- Australian High Commission - Islamabad
- IDP Education Ltd. - Pakistan
- Samco Associates, Engineers and Contractors
- University of Agriculture Faisalabad
- ZR Training Council
Papua New Guinea
- The University of Goroka
- Alamano Management and Consultancy
- Far Eastern University Manila
- DIAC Australian Embassy - Manila
- IDP Education Cebu
- IDP Education Manila
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Manilio
- Orange Int'l Recruitment Services Inc.
- University of Lower Silesia DSW in Wrocław
- Católica Medical School
- Academic Bridge Program Qatar Foundation
- Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
- Oryx Universal College in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University
Russian Federation (the)
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Russia
Countries (S-T)
Saudi Arabia
- Aljazirah Vehicles Agencies
- IDP Education - IELTS & Student Placement
- IDP Education Al Khobar
- IDP Education Jeddah
- IDP Education Pty. Ltd - Dammam SA036
- IDP Education Riyadh
- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Najd National Schools
- Onaizah College
- Prince Mohammed bin Salman College
- Saudi Railway Polytechnic
- Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization
- Australian High Commission - Singapore, Immigration Section
- Curtin Singapore
- DIBP Australian High Commission, Singapore
- IDP Education Australia - Singapore
- IDP Education Singapore
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- STEi Institute
- East Africa University
South Africa
- Australia Awards Africa
- Australian Embassy - South Africa
- DIAC - Australian High Commission - South Africa
- Immigration New Zealand - Pretoria
- Immigration New Zealand - South Africa
- IE University
- Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
- Tribunal Calificador Pruebas Selectivas CSACE
- Uned
- Universidad de La Rioja
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Sri Lanka
- Deakin University Sri Lanka Office
- DIAC - Australian High Commission Colombo
- Digibrush Productions Private Limited
- DOHA - Australian High Commission, Colombo
- IDP Education Australia (Pvt) Ltd Sri Lanka
- IDP Education Colombo
- Mother's Touch International Academy
- The Lyceum Campus (Private) Limited
Sudan (the)
- Omdurman Islamic University
- University Admissions
- World Maritime University
- Business School Lausanne
- Direction générale de l'enseignement postobligatoire
- IFM Business School, Geneva
Taiwan (province of China)
- IDP Education Kaohsiung
- IDP Education Taichung
- IDP Education Taipei
- Asian Institute of Hospitality Management
- DIAC - Bangkok
- IDP Education Bangkok
- IDP Education Chiang Mai
- IDP Education Khon Kaen
- Immigration New Zealand – Thailand
- International Program in Design and Architecture, Faculty of Architecture
- Mahidol University International College
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Bangkok
- Thai Customs
- Department of Immigration - Australian Embassy, Ankara
- DIAC - Turkey
- IDP Education, Istanbul Office
- IDP IELTS Turkey- TR100
- IDP Turkey-Ankara - TR021
- International Suleiman College
Countries (U-V) except UK and USA
- AK Ukrainian helicopters
- Bogomolets National Medical University
United Arab Emirates
- Active directory auditing
- Afamia Rent a Car
- Alkhadra
- Al Shozen Business Academy
- American University of Sharjah - Enrollment Management
- Curtin Dubai
- IDP Education - Digital Marketing
- IDP Education Abu Dhabi
- IDP Education Dubai
- IDP Education UAE
- Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities
- Muna British Academy
- New York University Stern at NYUAD One-year Full-time MBA Program
- New Zealand Immigration Service - Dubai
- Trilon International
- United School
- Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Agency of Specialized Educational Institutions - Ministry of Preschool and School Education
- British Management University
- Center for the Development of Professional Qualification of Medical Workers
- Hamkorbank JSCB
- International Institute of Food Technology and Engineering - International Cooperation
- International School of Economics and Finance - Tashkent State University of Economics
- IT Park
- IT Park University
- JSCB Qishloq Qurilish Bank
- Millat Umidi University
- Ministry of Higher Education of Uzbekistan
- Republic Specialised Scientific Practice Medical Centre of Eye Microsurgery
- Rexar Academy
- Surxondaryo viloayati MMTB
- Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
- Tashkent State Dental Institute
- Termez Davlat Pedagigika Instituti
- AUSAID - Australian High Commission , Vanuata
- Australian Embassy, Hanoi
- British University Vietnam
- DIBP Australian Consulate General - Ho Chi Minh City
- ECE Services and Consultancy Ltd
- Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages - Information Technology
- Hoctietkiem Join Stock Company
- IDP Education Cantho
- IDP Education Danang
- IDP Education Hanoi
- IDP Education Ho Chi Minh City
- iLead American Academy
- Marathon Education
- RMIT International University of Vietnam
- Smartcom Vietnam
- Swinburne Vietnam
- TutorIn
- Viet Nam National University - School of Medicine
- Vietnam Community League
- VNU University of Law (VNU-UL)
United Kingdom (UK), A-C
- Aberystwyth University
- Aberystwyth University - Recruitment & Admissions
- AGE Nursing Homes Ltd
- Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
- Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
- Anglia Ruskin University - Admissions
- Apollo Education UK Ltd
- Arden University - Admissions
- Ariyan Healthcare Limited
- Arts University Bournemouth EAP
- Aryam International College
- Ashford & St Peters NHS Foundation Trust
- Aston University - Admissions
- AWP NHS Trust
- Bangor University
- Bangor University - International Education Centre
- Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Barts Health NHS Trust
- Bayes Business School, City, University of London
- Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- BIMM University
- Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Birmingham City University
- Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Birmingham Newman University
- Bishop Grosseteste University - Admissions
- Bizz Educational Consultancy Ltd
- Blackpool Teachings Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Bloomsbury Institute
- Bournemouth Bay Teacher Training Partnership
- BPP University College of Professional Studies
- Brunel University
- Brunel University - London International College of Business & Technology
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
- Buckinghamshire New University - Admissions
- Cambridge Assessments - ESOL
- Cambridge Assessment UKVI
- Cambridge Digital Education Ltd
- Cambridge Education Group
- Cambridge Training Schools Network, CTSN SCITT
- Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Canterbury Christ Church University College
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- Care Plus Group
- CATS Global Schools
- CCS Care LTD
- Central and North West Lonodn NHS Trust
- Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- CFE Certification Limited
- Chase Grammar School
- Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust
- Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust
- City College Oxford
- City University London
- Cliff College - Administration
- College of Medicine and Dentistry
- Concept Care Solutions
- Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design - Registry
- Connexion International Ltd
- Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
- Coventry & Warwickshire ICB
- Coventry University - Centre for Future Transport and Cities
- Coventry University, International Office
- Coventry University Kazakhstan
- Coventry University - Post Graduate Researchers
- Cranfield University - The Registry
- Cranmer Hall
- Croydon Health Services
- Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom (UK), D-J
- David Game College
- De Montfort University - International Admissions Office
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- DIAC - Australian High Commission - London
- Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust
- Dorset Healthcare University Foundation Trust
- DRC Holding Company Limited
- Durham University
- East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- East Cheshire NHS Trust
- East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
- East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust - Overseas Recruitment Team
- East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Edge Hill University
- Edinburgh Napier University
- Edinburgh Theological Seminary
- Eltham College
- Escape Studios
- ESCP Business School
- Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)
- ETC International College
- Eurospeak Language Schools Ltd
- Everest Recruitment and Services
- Fasthosts Internet Ltd
- Felt Care
- Fieri Leadership and Development LTD
- First Community Health and Care
- Fresh Recruitment Limited
- Futureworks
- Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust
- GEDU - Global Partnerships
- George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
- Gisma University of Applied Sciences
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Glasgow School of Art
- Global Career Networks Ltd TA Carter Wellington
- Global Workforce Synergy Ltd
- Gloucester Qualifications Limited
- Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Goldsmiths University of London
- Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
- Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Grigore Laurentiu SPinu
- Guildhall School of Music and Drama
- Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
- Hartpury College
- Haywood Homes Ltd
- HCL workforce
- HRUC - Harrow, Richmond, Uxbridge Colleges
- Heriot Watt University
- Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
- Higher Ed Partners UK
- Home Instead
- Homerton Healthcare
- Horder Healthcare
- Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Hult International Business School
- ID Medical Group Ltd
- IDP Connect Ltd
- Immigration New Zealand - London
- Immigration New Zealand Singapore Branch
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Imran Brothers Limited
- International Foundation Group
- INTO Newcastle University
- INTO University of Exeter
- INTO University Partnerships
- Irish American University
- Islamic Help
- Itchen Sixth Form College - International School
- James Paget University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- JCA London Fashion Academy
- JK Staffing Limited
United Kingdom (UK), K-M
- Kaplan International College
- Keele University
- Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust
- Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Kettering General Hospital
- King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Kingston University London
- KPI-Health
- KS Education Associates
- Kuwait Cultural Office - English Language Team
- Lancaster University
- Languages and Interpreting Nest Ltd
- Learna - Diploma MSc
- Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Leeds Arts University
- Leeds Beckett University - International Office
- Leeds College of Music
- Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Leeds Conservatoire
- Leeds Trinity University
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
- Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
- Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust - International Recruitment - People and Innovation Directorate
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Liverpool Heart and Chest NHS Foundation Trust
- Liverpool Hope University
- Liverpool John Moores University
- Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- London Business School - Recruitment & Admissions
- London Metropolitan University
- London Performing Academy of Music - LPMAM
- London School of Business & Finance - English
- London School of Design and Marketing
- London School of Economics and Political Science
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- London School of Medical and Health Sciences
- London South Bank University - Student Recruitment
- London Studio Centre
- Loughborough College
- Loughborough University
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- MediLink Consulting LTD
- Mediscan Staffing Limited
- Medway Community Healthcard
- Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Merton College London
- MetFilm School
- Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
- Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Middlesex University
- Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit
- Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
- Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom (UK), N-R
- New College Group
- New Victoria Hospital
- New Zealand Immigration Service - London
- NHS Ayrshire & Arran
- NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board
- NHS Forth Valley
- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- NHS Tayside
- NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
- Ninja Scissors
- Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
- North Bridge House, Canonbury
- North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
- North East Ambulance Service
- North London Partners Shared Services
- North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
- North Staffordshire Combined NHS Trust
- North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
- North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
- North West Anglia NHS FT
- Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
- Northeastern University London
- Northumbria University
- Limited
- Nottingham Trent University
- Nurture HE Group Ltd
- Onecare-uk Ltd
- Oxford Brookes University
- Oxford Online School
- Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
- Parklands Care Homes
- Plymouth University - Admissions
- Point Blank Music School - Admissions
- Professional Connections Ltd
- QA Higher Education - Admissions
- Quality Care Limited Company Limited
- Queen Margaret University
- Queen Mary University of London - Admissions & Recruitment
- Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Queen's University Belfast
- RADAAS Limited
- Raindance Film School
- Ravensbourne University London
- Recruit2healthcare Ltd
- Regent's University London
- Resource Finder
- Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College
- Robert Gordon University Aberdeen - International Office
- Rochester Independent College - English Department
- Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Academy of Music - Registry Office
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal College of Music London
- Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Royal Northern College of Music
- Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal United Hospital Trusts
- Royal Veterinary College - Registry
- Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
United Kingdom (UK), S-T
- Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust
- Schiller International University
- SCL International College
- Scotland's Rural College
- Search Recruitment Ltd.
- Servisource Healthcare Ltd
- Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust
- Sheffield Hallam University - Direct Admissions
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust
- Sincere Immigration
- Sirona care & health
- SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London
- Soham Lodge Care Centre
- Solent NHS Trust
- Solent University, Southampton
- Sordo Madaleno Limited
- South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
- South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
- South West London & St Georges Mental Health NHS Trust
- South West London Recruitment Hub
- South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- SSM at 379/381 Limited
- St Marys University - Registry Office
- STAFFREX Limited
- Star Greenwich Education
- Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
- Stow Healthcare Group Ltd
- Study Group - Brighton
- Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Surrey and Borders NHS foundation Trust NHS
- Sussex Community Foundation Trust
- Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Swansea Bay University Healthboard
- Tain Global Capital
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care Board
- Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- The Courtauld Institute
- The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- The Institute of Ismaili Studies - Graduate Studies
- The International College of Musical Theatre
- The National Modern Languages SCITT
- The Open University
- The Oratory School
- The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
- The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
- The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
- The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
- The Stephen Perse Foundation
- The University of the West of Scotland
- Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
- Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom (UK), U-Y
- Uh and Co
- U.K. School of English Limited Admissions
- UKFPO (UK Foundation Programme)
- Ulster University
- Unity Health Care Solutions Ltd
- Université Paris Dauphine – PSL London campus
- University College Birmingham
- University for the Creative Arts
- University Hospitals Birmingham - Recruitment
- University Hospitals Dorset
- University Hospitals Dorset - Maternity
- University Hospitals of Birmingham - Recruitment
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
- University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals of north midlands
- University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
- University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
- University of Aberdeen - Student Recruitment & Admissions
- University of Abertay Dundee
- University of Bath
- University of Bedfordshire
- University of Birmingham - Admissions
- University of Bournemouth - International Marketing & SR
- University of Bradford
- University of Brighton
- University of Bristol
- University of Buckingham
- University of Cambridge
- University of Cambridge - Board of Graduate Studies
- University of Cambridge - Cambridge Admissions Office
- University of Cambridge - Centre of International Studies
- University of Cambridge - Graduate Admissions Office
- University of Cambridge - Judge Business School Executive Education
- University of Cambridge - Judge Intst of MGT
- University of Cardiff - International Division
- University of Central Lancashire - International Office
- University of Chester
- University of Derby - International Student Centre
- University of Dundee
- University of East Anglia
- University of East London - International
- University of Exeter
- University of Exeter Admissions
- University of Glasgow - Admissions
- University of Gloucestershire - Engineering Department
- University of Greenwich
- University of Greenwich - International Office
- University of Hertfordshire - International Admissions
- University of Huddersfield
- University of Hull
- University of Kent
- University of Law Admissions
- University of Leeds
- University of Leeds - PG Admissions
- University of Leicester
- University of Lincoln
- University of Lincoln, Enquiry Centre
- University of Liverpool
- University of Liverpool - Marketing and Communications
- University of London, Birkbeck
- University of Manchester
- University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
- University of Northampton
- University of Nottingham
- University of Portsmouth - London Pathway College
- University of Portsmouth - University Admissions Centre
- University of Reading
- University of Sheffield
- University of Sheffield - Student Recruitment and Admissions
- University of South Wales
- University of Southampton - Global Recruitment and Admissions
- University of Southampton - International Office
- University of St Andrews - Department of Admissions
- University of Staffordshire
- University of Stirling
- University of Strathclyde Admissions
- University of Sunderland - Admissions Office
- University of Surrey - Admissions
- University of Sussex
- University of Swansea - Admissions Office
- University of Teesside
- University of the Arts London
- University of the West of England
- University of Worcester
- University of Ulster - International Office
- University of West London
- University of the West of Scotland - Admissions
- University of the West of Scotland - International Centre
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David - International Office
- University of Westminster
- University of Winchester -Student Recruitment & Marketing
- University of Wolverhampton
- University of York
- Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- WCG - (Warwickshire College Group)
- West Dean College
- Whittington Health NHS Trust
- Wimborne Nursing Agency Ltd.
- Wirral University Teaching Hospitals
- Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Human Resources
- Wye Valley NHS Trust
- Xander Hendrix Healthcare
- York St John University - International
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service
United States of America (USA)
- Abilene Christian University Graduate
- Annie Wright Schools
- Barton College
- Baruch College Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
- Bates College
- Beloit College - Admissions
- Benedictine University
- Blackburn College
- Blinn College
- Coe College
- College of Southern Nevada Charleston Campus
- Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business - Admissions
- DeVry University, Naperville Center
- Earlham College Admissions
- East Carolina University Graduate School
- Franklin and Marshall College
- Fort Lewis College
- Georgia Institute of Technology Graduate Studies
- Georgia School of Orthodontics
- Gonzaga University Undergraduate
- Grinnell College
- Grossmont College
- Gwinnett Technical College
- HireRight
- Immigration New Zealand Program
- James Madison University Undergraduate Admissions
- Johns Hopkins University Engineering Pre-College
- Klamath Community College
- Law School Admission Council LLM/JD Credential Assembly Svc
- Long Island University
- Loras College
- Loyola Marymount University Engineering
- Marian University Undergraduate
- McMurry University
- Miami University Undergraduate Admission
- Middlebury College
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
- Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School
- Muhlenberg College
- Nashville State Community College
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- North Carolina State University - Graduate Admissions
- Northwestern University School of Communication MA in Sound Arts
- Northwood University
- Oakland City University Undergraduate
- Oklahoma Baptist University Undergraduate
- Pacific College of Health and Science
- Pacific Oaks College
- Princeton Theological Seminary
- Rhodes College
- Saint James School
- San Diego Mesa College
- Sarah Lawrence College
- Saybrook University
- Shoreline Community College - International Education
- South Central College
- Southwest University
- St. Thomas University
- Stevenson University Undergraduate
- Strayer University
- Syracuse University Graduate Admissions
- The Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law
- Touro University California - Admissions
- Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
- Tulane University Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
- University of California Los Angeles International Institute Academic Programs
- University of Findlay
- University of Houston, Downtown
- University of Maine at Machias
- University of Maine at Presque Isle
- University of Maine, Augusta
- University of Maine, Orono
- University of Maryland College Park
- University of Missouri-Columbia, Graduate Admissions
- University of Nebraska Medical Center Interservice PA Program
- University of North Carolina, Pembroke Undergraduate
- University of Southern Maine
- University of Virginia
- University of Wisconsin - Superior
- Virginia University of Integrative Medicine Graduate
- Western State College of Law
- Westfield State University
- Willamette University
- Yale University Jackson School of Global Affairs
- Yale University-Yale School of the Environment
- Zomi Innkuan USA, Inc.
Organisations can apply here to accept IELTS One Skill Retake.